Website Design

The Importance of Website Design

A website design is a crucial aspect of any website. It will affect how visitors experience the site and whether they are likely to become customers. A design that adheres to a few key principles can make a huge difference. These include visual hierarchy, simplicity, and consistency. These concepts help create a user-friendly website.


In order to attract potential customers, a site must be user-friendly and easy to navigate. This can be achieved by incorporating usability features into the design and content. By improving usability, you can ensure that users will continue to return to your website. This will ensure that your website is competitive and has the potential to generate more sales.

Ensure that the website is easy to navigate for new users and people who will be visiting for the first time. This includes making it easy for newcomers to find their way around the interface, as well as accommodating their limitations. To achieve good usability, designers should emulate the natural environment, present easily understandable messages, and focus on presenting one main action on each screen.

Visual hierarchy

One of the most important components of website design is visual hierarchy. It determines the order in which elements are displayed to the users. The way these elements are arranged can make a big difference in how visitors view and digest the content of your website. It is the responsibility of the website owner to decide the visual hierarchy, but visitors will follow their lead if the content is arranged in a specific way.

Color is a key component in visual hierarchy. Different shades of the same color can express contrasting emotions, which helps guide users. Colors can also help convey weight in an interface. For example, a bright orange button on a white background will make it stand out on the screen. Another visual pattern is repetition. Repeating a line, colour or shape draws the eye and creates visual hierarchy.


Design consistency refers to keeping repeated elements of a website the same across all its pages. This includes fonts, colors, and button placement. Consistency helps to increase a site’s user experience. Keeping the same elements in the same places throughout your website helps users feel at home and familiar with your site.

Consistent colors, fonts, and sizes are also vital to create a consistent overall website design. Consistent designs and layouts help to establish a strong visual hierarchy. The most important items should be placed larger on the page and the color palette should be consistent throughout the entire site. In addition, you should use the same padding and margins throughout the site to create a consistent design.


Simplicity in website design is about keeping things simple, from the colors and fonts to the layout. Using a minimal color palette with two or three fonts and plenty of white space is essential. A cluttered or complicated website will discourage users from taking action. Simplicity in website design will keep information separated so that users can easily scan and read your content.

A simple design also makes it easier to maintain. A website needs ongoing maintenance and updates, and it’s important to make these updates easy to make. A simple website will also be easier to navigate and will be less likely to break.


There are several different factors that determine the cost of a website design. The first factor is how many pages the website requires. The more pages, the higher the costs. Another factor that affects the price of a website is the number of images or multimedia on the site. These media take up space on the server, which increases the cost of hosting. In addition, they consume resources on the server during the uploading and downloading processes. This can reduce the overall performance of the server.

Additional features may increase the cost of a website. For example, if you’re planning to sell products online, you might need a site with online payment options. This feature can increase the cost of the website and may require a more robust payment option. A professional web design company will provide you with an accurate estimate of the costs. Additionally, you’ll need to consider ongoing maintenance fees.

At Rhema Web Marketing we take all these factors into consideration and design a campaign based on your needs and budget.

Below are websites that Rhema has developed in various niches and verticals.

If you are interested in having a responsive website design/created for your business, click the “Learn More” button below.

Website Portfolio

Zag Branding Solutions

Zag Branding Solutions

Our mission at Zag Branding Agency is to provide our clients with the knowledge to understand the power of branding and how to achieve a sustainable emotional connection to their brand to tell their story.

Zag Branding Solutions

Your Voice Heard

Dr. Marilyn Pendelton, Ed.D, is the founder and CEO of Your Voice Heard, LLC whose mission is to holistically and innovatively Leverage Data with Compassion™.

Zag Branding Solutions

Mentor My Bizness

Earl Boyd, founder. In my work with entrepreneurs my approach is to provide you with substantive advice; that you can understand; delivered in a straightforward, personable style that allows you to walk away feeling confident and capable of doing what you want to do in your business.

SLS Insurance Group

SLS Insurance Group, LLC

All day, every day, I provide Medicare Supplement Coverage, Medicare Advantage, or Part D Prescription Drug Coverage information. What distinguishes me is that I provide information on all coverage alternatives in your area. That is the only approach to guarantee that you get the right coverage for yourself.

Zag Branding Solutions

See The View Window Cleaning

Quality work is the foundation on which our company is built. Every staff member knows this.

Our window washing technicians undergo a comprehensive 60-day initial training and then continuing education throughout their careers. 

Night Owl Vegan

Night Owl Vegan, Plant-Based Meal Delivery

We believe food is medicine. We also know food has to taste good for people to enjoy it. Our mission is to encourage a plant-based way by making it flavorful and convenient. Our plant-based and delicious meals are created with your best health in mind.

Nicole's Strategy Agency

Nicole's Strategy Agency

Our agency offers a broad array of support services for small-scale companies. From consulting services through design, development, and maintenance in addition to sales and marketing support. We provide small businesses with the necessary services to achieve their goals.

New Beginnings Worship Center

New Beginnings Worship Center

We believe ministry is “meeting people at the point of their need.” Because some of us may have greater needs than others, our focus is not on maintaining structures and programs, but rather on meeting the relational needs that bind together a worshiping community.

The Prime Group

The Prime Group

The Prime Group’s commitment is to truly meet the client’s needs. We ask, if I were a customer how would I want to feel about the capabilities of my service providers?  How would I want them to value me as a customer? What would I expect from my investment in their services? 

Lubby Dubby Frenchies

LubbyDubby Frenchies

LubbyDubby Frenchies remains steadfast in our commitment to the devotion of breeding quality French Bulldogs. The one-of-a-kind French Bulldog, with his large bat ears and even disposition, is one of the world’s most popular small-dog breeds, especially among city dwellers.

Attentive Care Service Agency

Attentive Care Service Agency

Attentive Care Service Agency, Inc., (ACSA) provides home care services to clients throughout the state of Pennsylvania. Our staff includes qualified, licensed nurses, and Direct Care Workers to provide a safe and secure environment for our clients.

5 Step Business Start

5 Step Business Start

Discover How to Start a Business Successfully. Follow a logical progression from your idea for a business to vetting that idea, researching the business niche, planning each stage of the startup process, staging the business, and finally launching your business and serving your customers.

We Create Memorable Websites That Sell

We partner with brands like yours to create websites your customers will remember, vastly improve your key metrics, and display your brand with pride.