Search Intent & Customer Journey: Game-Changer for Your Content Strategy!

August 1, 2023

Decode Search Intent & Customer Journey Now

visitor search intent
Photo by PhotoMIX Company


Understanding your website visitors’ search intent is crucial for providing a positive user experience and driving conversions. As an SEO expert at Rhema Marketing, LLC, I want to walk through the key elements of decoding search intent, mapping the customer journey, and optimizing for different types of searches.

The importance of understanding search intent and the customer journey

Understanding the Customer Journey

Understanding visitor search intent is crucial for businesses today for several reasons. First, it allows you to create content that is highly targeted to each stage of the customer journey. If you know someone is in the awareness phase, you can craft information to introduce them to your brand. If they are ready to purchase, you can remove barriers and make transacting seamless.

Second, optimizing for search intent leads to better search engine rankings. Major search engines like Google are constantly working to better understand user intent. If you align your content with the types of queries and needs people have, search algorithms will reward your pages with higher rankings.

Third, designing positive user experiences depends on matching content to someone’s mindset and goals. If a customer is frustrated because the site doesn’t meet their needs, they will quickly leave and potentially move to a competitor. Delivering the right information at the right time, based on their intent, leads to more engaged users, lower bounce rates, and increased conversions.

In today’s digital landscape, the brands that will thrive are the ones who walk in their customers’ shoes to truly understand their search journey. Companies that optimize around those visitor needs and intents will provide value and connect with users in a meaningful way. The effort to decode search intent pays huge dividends across metrics from rankings to revenue.

The Customer Journey

customer journey map

The customer journey refers to the end-to-end process a customer goes through when interacting with a brand or making a purchase. It spans from the initial awareness of a need all the way to advocacy for the brand after purchase. Mapping out the customer journey allows companies to strategically guide users through different touchpoints to drive conversions.

AwarenessThe user becomes aware of a need or problem to be solved
ConsiderationThe user researches options and solutions
DecisionThe user is ready to make a purchase decision
RetentionKeeping the customer satisfied and engaged post-purchase
AdvocacyThe customer promotes the brand through reviews, referrals, etc.

There are five key stages of the typical customer journey:

Awareness – This is when the user first recognizes they have a problem or need to be solved. They may start general research to learn more. Building brand awareness is key at this stage.

Consideration – Now the customer is evaluating different options and solutions. They begin comparing brands and products. Providing the right information to assist comparison shopping is crucial.

Decision – The user has weighed the pros and cons and is ready to make a purchase decision. Content and messaging should focus on converting at this stage.

Retention – Post-purchase, the goal is to keep the customer engaged and loyal to your brand. Excellent service and support retain happy customers.

Advocacy – A satisfied customer can become a powerful promoter via referrals, reviews, social shares, and more. Loyal brand advocates drive growth.

Understanding this journey allows companies to map content, optimize user experience, and adapt messaging for each phase. Done right, guiding customers through these stages leads to trusting relationships, satisfied repeat purchases, and lifelong brand affinity. Customer journey mapping provides the blueprint to turn prospects into delighted customers.

The 4 Types of Search Intent

There are four main types of search intent:


The user wants to research a topic or learn something new. Keywords are often broad, and the goal is to acquire knowledge.

Example: “benefits of exercise”


The user is looking for a specific website or webpage they already have in mind. Queries include brand names, domain names, etc.

Example: “”


The user wants to complete a transaction, like a purchase or download. Keywords indicate readiness to buy.

Example: “buy yoga mat”


The user has a commercial need, such as researching products or comparing prices. Queries indicate they are still evaluating options.

Example: “best budget laptops”

Here is a table summarizing the four types of search intent with examples:

Search IntentDescriptionExample Queries
InformationalWants to research a topic or learn something new“benefits of exercise”, “how to lose weight”, “python tutorial”
NavigationalLooking for a specific website or webpage“”, “”, “wikipedia”
TransactionalWants to complete a purchase or transaction“buy yoga mat”, “book hotel”, “download software”
CommercialResearching products or comparing options“best budget laptops”, “honda civic reviews”, “cheap flights”

Optimizing Content for Search Intent

Now that we’ve covered the customer journey and types of intent, here are some tips for optimization:

Focus on informing and assisting users, based on search intent

For informational queries, provide comprehensive information to address the user’s needs. Tools like FAQs, guides, and comparison charts add value.

Make your site easy to navigate

For navigational searches, ensure your site architecture guides users to the right pages efficiently. Strong internal linking and clear CTAs are key.

Remove friction in transactions

Transactional visitors are ready to convert. Ensure checkout processes are simple and seamless. Highlight promos or discounts to motivate purchases.

Add decision-making content

For commercial searches, include content that aids consideration and evaluation, like buyer’s guides, comparison articles, and product reviews.

The Impact of AI (Google and Bing)

Emerging AI search engines like Bing Chat and Google’s generative AI are changing the game. They allow for conversational, contextual searches that feel more natural. As these technologies evolve, understanding and optimizing for searcher intent will only grow more nuanced.

The key is staying focused on genuinely helping people fulfill their needs at each stage of their journey. With AI and human insight combined, we can take search experience to the next level.

Decoding Visitor Intent

Decoding visitor intent takes ongoing research and analytics. But by mapping searches to the customer journey, optimizing for different types of intent, and embracing new AI capabilities, we can deliver the right information at the right time to turn searches into satisfied customers. With a thoughtful strategy, you can gain a major competitive advantage in 2023’s complex search landscape.

Take Control of Your Website’s Search Performance

Understanding visitor intent is key, but acting on those insights is even more important. To start optimizing for search success:

  • Conduct keyword research to see what queries users are entering around your products or services. Identify where they are in their journeys.
  • Map content to different stages of the customer journey. Fill in any gaps where you lack content tailored to intent.
  • Analyze analytics to see where visitors enter/exit pages and where they struggle. Look for friction points.
  • Test and iterate by trying out new content formats and layouts. See what best satisfies searchers.
  • Talk to real customers to get insights into their thought processes. Surveys and support calls can reveal pain points.
  • Partner with Rhema Marketing to execute an advanced search strategy tailored to your business. Our team of experts can help craft content, optimize pages, and boost conversions.

Don’t leave your website’s performance to chance. Take control and deliver outstanding search experiences. Contact us today to get started!

Share your thoughts


  1. Zana Billue

    I never thought about Search Intent. There is a lot of things I still need to learn about optimizing my website. Thank you.

  2. Renee Antoine

    This is very insightful, as I am not a big online shopper trying to understand the online business and successfully run my website. I have learned so much and I am starting to apply these newly developed skills.


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